Florists Working with Florists
PFS Floral Cooperative Inc. is a non-profit cooperative association owned by its florist members. The members of the PFS Cooperative are real independent brick & mortar florists who deliver and service their local market.
The Goal of PFS Owner Members
Before we decided to build and own our internet technology infrastructure, we considered working with existing floral technology companies. We concluded we did not need order gathering (Technology Companies) isolating us to a floral only technical product. We further concluded we did not need to pay fees to companies to beat us to our online customers and then selling them back to us for their profit.
We finally concluded that when we use their online technology we are reduced to only a floral delivery service, where we pay their fees without ownership. Florists paid for others prosperity all the while our numbers diminished and our value plummeted. At PFS we decided to own our own “Shark Tank” type minds to run and build City to City Market, owned by the average mom and pop florist. Our members reached deep into their own pockets to fund our American dream for a number of years. We became our own venture capitalists. We believe our business plan clearly lays out how we can grow literally overnight. But make no mistake, this has not been an overnight venture.
To put the floral industry on a secure path to new revenue growth, we need all florists to register and join forces and come together. City to City Market is custom designed around every independent florist in the US. Register and Join.
Join us and together we will do our part in restoring value to the floral industry. Join Us
We as the Board of Directors of the PFS Floral Cooperative have embraced the idea of flower shop owners, working together. PFS is giving florists and small local businesses a way to compete with the large box stores and online shopping. We have created a florist owned technology company that will make it affordable for local businesses to have an online presence as we promote the Buy Local movement. The internet infrastructure that we need to guarantee trust and accountability through shared prosperity, is already in place, working and expanding.